
Michael Rowe is the Associate Professor in Digital Innovation in the School of Health and Social Care at the University of Lincoln in the UK. He conducts research into the use of emerging technologies in higher and professional education. Michael is a Fellow of the Southern African FAIMER Regional Institute and was previously a committee member of the Southern African Association of Health Educationalists. Together with Ben Ellis, he co-founded In Beta, an international community of physiotherapy educators who explore different ways of thinking about professional education. He blogs at /usr/space and is @michael_rowe on Twitter
Editorial Board
Ben Ellis is a lecturer in the Department of Physiotherapy at Birmingham University in the United Kingdom (@bendotellis).

Jose Frantz is a Professor in the Department of Physiotherapy at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa and the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation. She conducts research into capacity development and capacity building for health professions educators and leadership development in the context of higher education. She is a South African National Research Foundation rated researcher. She was a board member, faculty and fellow of the Southern African FAIMER Regional Institution. She is the deputy editor for the South African Journal of Physiotherapy and deputy editor for the African Journal of Health Professions Education.
Nina Rydland Olsen is Associate Professor at the Department of Occupational therapy, physiotherapy and radiography at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway (@ninarydolsen).

Filip Maric is an Associate Professor in physiotherapy at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. His research interests and activities span the fields of critical physiotherapy, healthcare ethics, planetary health, sustainable healthcare, environmental physiotherapy and related approaches, and the environmental post/humanities. Filip is the founder and executive chair of the Environmental Physiotherapy Association and project lead of the EPT Agenda 2023 – an international project aiming at the integration of environmental and sustainability perspectives into physiotherapy education. Other activities include convening the German-speaking section of the Critical Physiotherapy Network and the UiT Environmental Humanities network, as well as sea kayaking, hiking and ski touring.

Anthea Rhoda is a Professor in the Department of Physiotherapy at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa and the Dean of the Faculty of Community and Health Sciences. She conducts research in the areas of interprofessional education and collaborative practice and stroke rehabilitation. She is a South African National Research Foundation rated researcher and a faculty member of the Southern African FAIMER Regional Institution. She is an Associate editor for African Journal of Health Professions Education.

Nicol van Dyk is a postgraduate researcher at Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital in Doha (Qatar), and Associate Editor at the British Journal of Sports Medicine (@NicolvanDyk). He graduated with a BSc in Physiotherapy from Stellenbosch University in 2005, and completed his MSc in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy in 2010. He completed his PhD at Ghent University, Belgium in April 2018 having investigated risk factors for hamstring injuries in professional football players. Nicol worked in a number of different sporting environments, including cricket, rugby, and football, he worked as sports physiotherapist at the Sport Science Institute of South Africa before moving to Qatar in 2013. As an associate editor and editorial board member of British journal of sports medicine (BJSM), he is engaged in how we translate knowledge enthusiastic about the role of social media in the dissemination of scientific evidence and research knowledge.
Advisory Board

Seyi Amosun is a Professor of Physiotherapy at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He previously served as Head of the Division of Physiotherapy, as well as Head of the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences in the Faculty of Health Sciences in the university. He has been engaged in Physiotherapy education for over 30 years and contributed to staff mentoring, capacity development, curriculum development, and curriculum reviews in African countries, including Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. In recognition of the exceptional services to physiotherapy education in Africa, he obtained an International Service Award from the World Confederation for Physical Therapy. He is also interested in the development of multi-disciplinary learning opportunities for undergraduate students in health professional education.

Chad Cook is a tenured professor at Duke University, clinical researcher, physical therapist, and profession advocate with a long-term history of clinical care excellence and service. His passions include refining and improving the patient examination process and validating tools used in day-to-day physical therapist practice. Presently, Dr. Cook is part of over 7 million dollars in federal funding and has published over 245 peer-reviewed papers. He is a multi-award winner for teaching and research and is an international speaker. He is the Program Director of the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Duke University (USA), and Senior Associate Editor for the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Stephen Maloney is the Director of Education for the School of Primary Health Care at Monash University (Australia), and Chair of the Society for Cost and Value in Health Professions Education. He is also the Deputy Head of the Monash University Physiotherapy program.

Ann Moore (CBE) is a Professor Emeritas of Physiotherapy in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Brighton. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and a Fellow of the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists and is a specialist in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. Ann is Director of the Council for Allied Health Professions Research (CAHPR) in the UK. In recognition of her services and contributions to Physiotherapy Ann has received several awards including Commander of the Order of the British Empire, an International Service Award from the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Honorary Fellowships from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists. She is also the Editor in Chief of Musculoskeletal Science and Practice.

David Nicholls is a Professor of Critical Physiotherapy in the School of Clinical Sciences, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand. He is a physiotherapist, lecturer, researcher and writer, with a passion for critical thinking in and around the physical therapies. David is the founder of the Critical Physiotherapy Network, an organisation that promotes the use of cultural studies, education, history, philosophy, sociology, and a range of other disciplines in the study of the profession’s past, present and future. David’s own research work focuses on the critical history of physiotherapy and considers how physiotherapy might need to adapt to the changing economy of health care in the 21st century. He has published 35 peer-reviewed articles and 17 book chapters, many as the first author. David has taught in physiotherapy programmes in the UK and New Zealand for over 25 years and has presented his work all around the world. The End of Physiotherapy – the first book-length critical history of physiotherapy, and written by David – was published by Routledge in mid-2017. He is the Associate Head of School at the Auckland University of Technology (NZ), and Founder of the Critical Physiotherapy Network.
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