Call for papers | Critical issues in physiotherapy education

To celebrate our launch we’d like to invite you to submit a paper to a first edition of the journal on the topic of Critical issues in physiotherapy education. We would like to use this inaugural edition of OpenPhysio to explore the most important ideas in physiotherapy education in the next decade. We think that by highlighting the critical ideas that will influence decision making and curriculum design in the near future we will be able to respond appropriately as a profession to the emerging challenges of the 21st century.

We would therefore like you to consider submitting an article for this first edition of the journal. Some of the topics we are interested in include the following, but you should feel free to consider alternatives:

  • Clinical practice in conditions of complexity.
  • Human-machine interaction and implications for practice and training.
  • Open, online courses and decentralised curricula.
  • Curriculum decolonisation and internationalisation.
  • The future of evidence-based practice in an age of artificial intelligence.

If you are interested in submitting an article for this special edition please send your conceptual outline of about 1000 words to [email protected] by the 15 January, 2018. We will aim to provide feedback by the end of January, along with the timeline for submission of drafts and final publication.

Michael Rowe and Franziska Trede (Editors)


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